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博客來-Complete Java 2 Certification: Study Guide博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010634725
- In-depth coverage of every exam objective for the revised SCJP Exam
- Hundreds of challenging practice questions
- Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a test engine and the entire book on PDF
Authoritative instruction on all revised Programmer exam objectives, including:
- Declarations, initialization and scoping
- Flow control
- API contents
- Concurrency
- Object-oriented concepts
- Collections and generics
- Language fundamentals
Detailed discussion of the key topics included in the Developer exam, including:
- Swing components and events
- Layout managers
- Enhancing and extending the database
- Writing the network protocol
- Building the database server
- Connecting the client and server
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